此商品非全見版本購買請注意 (性感和內褲)
This is a None Nude issue. (Only Sexy and Underwear)
xfotojournal 來自新加坡
xfotojournal is from Singapore
Eddie 今年23嵗,來自馬來西亞。他有非常完美無缺的身材。別看他那麽年輕,他可是鼎鼎有名的健身教練。
這是他第一次嘗試拍攝也是第一次出電子版的寫真集。 他希望這個寫真集能讓大家有多一點啓發,多運動,保持健康。
Eddie 看起來非常酷酷樣子,其實他本身是非常善良的男神。
Eddie is only 23 years old and yet he has the near-perfect palatable body that everyone wanted! Despite his young age, he is currently a Fitness Trainer in Malaysia.
This was his first attempt in photoshoot and to release e-photo book. He hopes that with this e-photo book, he can inspire and motivate others to keep fit and healthy!
Eddie might look cool but in fact, he is an extremely kind and friendly guy.
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